
Time & Money saving Tips for your Kitchen

  1. Prefer to use olive oil for cooking especially for frying items because of it has low absorption rate and nutritious values
  2. Use unpolished daal and rice
  3. Use moong daal than chana daal. Moong daal is digested fast and do not create acidity problems
  4. Use tomatoes, kokum, lemon while cooking to reduce acidity related problems
  5. Do not waste food, try to prepare as much as you want
  6. Keep leftover food in food grade quality plastic polythene or containers or metal containers 
  7. Write expiry date of masalas on their bags/cover and store in refrigerator in air tight containers 
  8. Wash green vegetables with water and little salt, remove water completely by spreading on muslin cloth and then store it in refrigerator. It helps to reduce degradation of vegetables because dust gets removed. 
  9. Prepare tea with ginger and mint. It has antioxidants values.
  10. Fresh cut fruits should get consumed immediately, otherwise cut fruits gets degraded fast and their nutritious value get reduces.
  11. Do not waste water as it is most precious on earth
  12. Try to reuse leftovers using trial and error method
  13. Use iron tava for roti making so that in a way u get iron required for your body.
  14. Use iron vessel to make green vegetables.
  15. Try to prepare food in filtered water
  16. For quick cooking, keep handy hot water kettle
  17. If possible use microwave cooking so that you get more nutritious food
  18. Use microwave safe vessels such as borosil while microwave cooking
  19. Use low flame while seasoning
  20. Store lemons in dabba and keep it in refrigerator. If you keep as it is in refrigerator then lemon gets dries up.
  21. Store potatoes in refrigerator.

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