
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bajariche Hunde

Time 30 min
Bajri 1 cup
Water 1 cup
Fennel seeds powder 1 tsp
For Gulavani (2 cups milk+ 1/2 cup grated jaggery= Boil this mixture for 5 min)

Make course powder of Bajari in Grinder.
Heat 1 tsp ghee in vessel. Add one cup water, add 1 tsp fennel seeds powder. After it get boils, add coarse powder. Then mix very well. Cook for 5 min by covering lid. Switch off flame. Allow little bit cool. Then make hunde as per given in the picture. Steam for 15 min. in steamer. Enjoy hot with milk, jaggery and ghee.

This recipe is made at the time of Hundyachi Poornima during Sankranti period.

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