
Monday, July 30, 2012

Fresh Coconut Karanji

Time 15 min
For stuffing
Grated fresh coconut 1 cup
Jaggery 1/2 cup or more as per the taste
Pedha / Khava/ Khoya 1 tbsp
Cardamom / Velchi powder 1/2 tsp
Pinch of Salt
Wheat flour 1 cup
Oil 2 tsp
Water 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
For steaming
Idli stand for steaming

For dough
First prepare dough. Add oil, salt and water to the wheat flour. Then knead the dough. It should be not hard or soft. Keep it aside.
For stuffing preparation
Grate the fresh coconut. Take only white portion and avoid black skin. Now add grated coconut in thick bottom pan, add jaggery and velchi powder, salt. Switch on the flame. As soon as pan gets heated the coconut will start leaving water. Stir continuously for 5 min to avoid burning. Now add khoya to the mixture. Again stir for about 5 min. till little moisture remains in the pan. Switch off the flame. The mixture should be moist and should not be dry.
Now make 7-8 balls  of dough of 1 inch in size. Roll one ball with rolling pin round in shape for about 4 inch. Add stuffing at the center and then put half of on the remaining half portion of karanji. Using fingers gently press at the corners. Follow the same procedure for remaining balls. Apply oil to the steamer, keep the karanji on it, steam for 15-20 min. Serve hot.

Spinach Bhaji / Palak Sukhi Bhaji

Time 25 min
Spinach leaves 1 bunch
Moong daal 2 tsp
Copped green chillies 2
Crushed garlic cloves 3-4
Water 1 cup
Salt to taste
Oil 2tsp
Soak moong daalin water for atleast 2 hrs.
Heat oil in pan. Add garlic and green chiles. After garlic becomes golden brown. Add chopped spinach leaves, soaked moong daal. Add 3/2 cup of water. Cover with lid and cook for 5-6 min. Then add salt, mix well and cook till it is done. If required water then add 2 tbsp of water. Serve with bhakari.

Masala Milk

Time 10 min
Full fat milk  1/2 lit
Custard powder 1/2 tsp (optional)
Sliced Pista, Almond, Cashewnuts 2 tsp
Cardamom-jayaphal powder 1/4 tsp
Kesar 7-8 strands
Sugar 8 - 10 tsp (as per taste)

Dissolve custard powder in 1-2 tbsp hot milk. Keep it aside.
Heat milk in a big thick bottom pan, add dry fruits, cardamom jayaphal powder, sugar, kesar. Dissolve sugar completely. Keep the low flame.  Then add the custard milk to the milk in the pan and let it boil for 7-8 min. Switch off the flame. Serve hot.  

Traditionally masala milk is made without custard. I like custard flavor so i add.

Black Chana Masala

Time 45 min
Black chana / chickpeas 1 cup
Finely chopped onion 1 big size
Finely chopped tomato 1 big size
Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
Red chili powder / kanda lasun chatney 1 tbsp
Garam masala 1/2 tsp
Water 2 cups
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Soak overnight black chana, cook it with 1/2 tsp oil in pressure cooker for 3-4 whistles. Keep it aside, allow it to cool.
Heat oil in pan, add onion and tomato, fry till it turns golden brown. Then add ginger garlic paste. Fry for about 2-3 min. Then add red chili powder / kanda lasun chatney, garam masala. Fry for 2-3 min. on low flame. Then add chana, salt, lemon juice and water cook for 8-10 min covering lid on low flame. Switch off when it is done.

U can add lemon juice at the time of serving.
U can even add boiled potato in the curry. It tastes good
It can be eaten with rice bhakari / amboli.

Carrot Omelette

Time 45 min
Chickpeas flour / Besan 1 cup
Onion 2 medium size (peeled and cut into very small cubes)
Grated carrot 1 cup
Cumin coriander seeds powder 1/4 tsp
Turmeric Powder 1/4 tsp
Carom seeds (Ajwain) 1/4 tsp
Freshly chopped coriander 2 tsp
Red Chili powder 1 tsp
Water 1/2 cup or less
Baking soda 1-2 pinch
Salt to taste
Oil for shallow fry 1/4 cup

To make a batter, take besan in a bowl then mix with the remaining ingredients along with 1 tsp oil. The consistency of the mixture should be like dosa. Take fry pan, heat on a medium flame. Apply oil evenly on fry pan. Pour the mixture on fry pan, spread evenly. Keep medium flame. Apply oil on the upper surface of omelette. After 6-7 min turn upside down and shallow fry for 6-7 min (Time depends upon how crispy omelette you want )
U can add green chilies instead of red chili powder.

Spinach Carrot Cutlet

Time 40 min
Finely chopped spinach leaves 1 cup
Carrot 1/2 cup
Boiled potato 1/2 cup
Chopped green chilies 2
Grated ginger 1/2 tsp
Garam masala 1/4 tsp
Cornflour powder/aararoot powder 1 tsp
Lemon juice 1/2 tsp
Rava 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Oil for shallow fry

In a mixing bowl, mix all ingredients except oil & rava very well.  Make 7-8 balls. Take one ball, gently press to make flat round in shape, dip in rava, so that it get coated very well from all sides.
Heat oil on tava, shallow fry till golden brown. Flip up side down. Roast with little oil.
Serve hot with sauce or mint chutney.

Spinach and carrot, leaves water so shallow fry for more time to make it crispy. 

Soya Granules Batata Vada

Time 30 min
Potatoes 2 Big sized, boiled and peeled
Green Chillies 2
Garlic clove 2
Ginger 1/2 inch
Curry leaves 3-4
Coriander 2 tbsp
For tempering
Oil 1 tbsp
Mustard Seeds 1/4 tsp
Cumin Seeds 1/4 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
For Batter
Soya granules / chura 1/2 cup
Chickpea Flour (Besan) 1/2 cup
Turmeric Powder 1/2 tsp
Garam masala 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
Pinch of baking soda
1. Heat 2 cups of water in the pan, and 2 pinch of salt and soya granules, boil for 10 min. Switch off the flame. Allow it to cool. After cooling squeeze water from soya granules, add fresh water, again squeeze water, repeat 2-3 times. Keep it aside
2. Mash potatoes in such a way to keep chunks of potatoes arround 1/2 inch size.
3. Heat oil in pan. Then add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, green chili+ginger+garlic paste. Then add turmeric powder, salt to taste. Switch off the flame. Keep in mind to do tempering using low flame.
4. Then add mash potatoes and coriander leaves in the pan. Mix well. Cool it. Make balls of 2 inch size round in shape but little flat.
5. To make batter add soya granules, besan, turmeric powder, garam masala, salt, water and pinch of baking soda. Make batter not thin or thick.


6. Heat oil in wok. Add enough oil so that vada can be deep fried evenly. Dip the balls in batter. Make sure that balls are entirely coated by the batter. Fry till golden brown.
7. Serve with 3 in 1 Chutney or sweet chatney and chillies. Soya makes vada crispy and healthy.
U can apply these chutneys evenly on Pav / bun, insert soya vada and enjoy eating.

U can apply same batter to make break pakoda.

Bread Pakoda

Time 30 min
Bread slices 4-5 (cut at center to make triangle)
Potatoes 2 Big sized, boiled and peeled
Green Chillies 2
Garlic clove 2
Ginger 1/2 inch
Curry leaves 3-4
Coriander 2 tbsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
For tempering
Oil 1 tbsp
Mustard Seeds 1/5 tsp
Cumin Seeds 1/4 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
For Batter
Chickpea Flour (Besan) 1.5 cup
Turmeric Powder 1/2 tsp
Garam masala 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
Pinch of baking soda

1. Mash potatoes in such a way to keep chunks of potatoes arround 1/2 inch size.
2. Heat oil in pan. Then add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, green chili+ginger+garlic paste. Then add turmeric powder, sugar, salt to taste. Switch off the flame. Keep in mind to do tempering using low flame.
3. Then add mash potatoes and coriander leaves in the pan. Mix well. Cool it. Make 7-8 balls of 3 inch size round in shape but little flat at the center.
5. To make batter add besan, turmeric powder, garam masala, salt, water and two pinch of baking soda. Make batter not thin or thick.
6. Heat oil in wok. Add enough oil so that vada can be deep fried evenly.
7. Take two bread slices (triangles) between two slices place one ball of batata, then press bread gently using palm. Adjust the stuffing so that it doent come out. Dip the bread in batter. Make sure that bread is entirely coated by the batter. Fry till golden brown.
7. Serve with 3 in 1 Chutney or mint or sweet chutney.

Split Black Lentil Tomato Curry / Urad Daal Amti

Time 45 min
Black lentil  with skin 1 cup
Finely chopped tomato 2 big size
Water 2 cups
Ginger Garlic paste 1 tsp
Red chili powder 1 tsp
Garam masala 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Oil 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Wash daal, soak in water for about 2 hours. Then put in cooker along with chopped tomatoes, cook till 3 -4 whistles. Switch off the flame. Allow it to cool.
Heat the oil in pan. Add cumin seeds, red chili powder, garam masala, ginger garlic paste, Turmeric powder, fry for 2-3 min. Then add 3 tbsp water, and salt and cook for 10 min. Then add cooked daal into the pan. Then cook daal on low flame about 15 to 20 min. More it is cooked more delicious it tastes.
U can add more red chili powder if you want more spicy.

Black Eyed Beans Curry / Chawlichi Amti

Time 45 min
Black eyed beans 1 cup
Finely chopped onion 1 big size
Finely chopped tomato 1 big size
Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
Red chili powder / kanda lasun chatney 1 tsp
Goda masala /Garam masala 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Tamarind pulp 1 tsp
Jaggery 1 tsp
Water 2.5 cup s
Oil 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Cook beans with 1/2 tsp oil & 2 cups of water in pressure cooker for 2-3 whistles. Keep it aside, allow it to cool.
Heat oil in pan, add onion & tomato, fry till it turns golden brown. Then add ginger garlic paste. Fry for about 3-4 min. Then add red chili powder / kanda lasun chatney, garam masala & turmeric powder. Fry for 2-3 min on low flame. Then add cooked beans along with water,  tamarind pulp, jaggery, salt and additional 1/2 cup water cook for 10-15 min covering lid on low flame. Switch off the flame when it is done.

U can even add boiled potatoes to make it thicker curry. But i avoid to add instead i use more onion.

Curry Leaves Chutney

Time 10 min
Curry leave 1/2 cup
Dry chilies 3
Garlic cloves 3-4
Sesame seeds 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds 1/2 tsp
Oil 1 tsp
Salt to taste

Heat the oil in pan. Add all ingredients. Fry about 5-6 min. Allow it to cool. Then blend it in the mixer or khalbatta to make coarse powder. It tastes wonderful with rice or jwari bhakri.

Cabbage / Kobi Koshimbir with Curd

Time 10 min
Shredded cabbage  1/2 cup
Chopped green chilies 1
Mustard seeds 1/4 tsp
Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp
Pinch of asafoetida
Curd  2 tbsp
Groundnut powder 2 tbsp
Oil 1 /2 tsp
Sugar 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste

Heat the oil in pan. Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, after it crackles add pinch of asafoetida and then turn off flame. Allow it to cool. Then add this to cabbage, then add curd, sugar, groundnut powder and salt. Serve chill.

Cabbage / Kobi Salad with Lemon

Time 10 min
Shredded cabbage 1/2 cup
Chopped green chilies 1
Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Oil 1 /2 tsp
Salt to taste

Take cabbage in bowl add 3-4 pinch of salt and then add less than 1/2 cup of water and wash the cabbage. Remove the water completely. Keep it aside.
Heat the oil in pan. Add cumin seeds, after it crackles then turn off the flame. Allow it to cool. Then add this to cabbage, then add lemon juice and salt. Serve chill.

Fry Bitter Gourd Bhaji

Time 15 min
Sliced  (round shape) bitter gourd 1 cup
Asafoetida ½ tsp
Cumin seeds ½ tsp
Salt to taste
Oil 2 tbsp
Heat oil in pan add asafetida, cumin seeds. After cumin seeds crackles then add sliced bitter gourd. Mix well. Do not add water. Add salt and fry continuously on medium flame for 7-8 min. Turn off after it becomes crispy.

Dry Garlic Chutney

Garlic cloves, peeled 1/2 cup
Dry coconut (kopra) pieces 1/4 cup
Chilli powder 1.5 tbsp or dry chilies 5-6
Cumin seeds 1/2 tsp
Sesame seeds 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil 1tsp

Heat oil in pan/kadai and saute the garlic, coconut, sesame seeds, dry chiles, cumin seeds for 2 -3 min over a medium flame.

Allow it to cool, combine all the ingredients along with salt in a blender and grind till it is a coarse paste. Serve with bhakari, rice,vada pav etc.

Wheat Flour Upma / Ukadpendi

Time 30 min
Wheat flour 1/2 cup
Green chilies 2 (Cut into small pieces)
Chopped Onion 1 medium size
Mustard seeds 1/4 tsp
Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp
Curry leaves 5-6
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Red chili powder 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
2 tbsp curd  (not thick) mixed in 1 cup hot water (mix both at the time of adding in upma)
Oil 12tsp

Heat pan add wheat flour, roast without oil till it changes its colour from light yellow to little dark colour for about 3-4 min on medium flame. Stir continuously to avoid burning. Switch off the flame take out the rava and keep in difffereent vessel.
In the same pan heat oil, add mustard seeds and cumin seeds. After mustard seeds pops out, add onion, curry leaves, green chilies. Fry till onion becomes golden brown. Then add red chili powder, turmeric powder and salt. Mix well, then add wheat flour mix well. Then add hot water mixed with curd to the pan. Stirr well, cover with lid. Keep it for 3-4 min. Switch off the flame. Garnish with coriander & serve hot.

Mint Chutney

Time 10 min
Mint leaves 1 cup
Coriander leaves 1 cup
Green chilies 2-3
Ginger 1/4 inch
Garlic cloves 1-2
Lemon juice 1 tsp
Sugar 1 tsp
Salt to taste

Wash and clean the mint and coriander leaves. Then in a blender add mint, coriander leaves, green chillies, lemon juice, ginger, garlic, salt, sugar. Grind to make smooth paste.

White Peas Curry / Safed Vatana Amti

Time 30 min
White peas-1 cup
Finely chopped onion 2 medium size
Finely chopped Tomato 2 medium size
Ginger garlic paste 3/4 tsp
Red chili powder / Kolhapuri masala 1 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Garam masala 1/4 tsp
Cumin coriander powder 1/4 tsp
Cumin seeds 1/4 tsp
Asafoetida a pinch
Lemon juice 1/2 tsp
Water 2 cup
Oil 2 tbsp
Salt to taste

Soak white peas overnight. Then drain water add fresh 2 cups of water, cook in pressure cooker for 2-3 whistle till it becomes tender. Allow it to cool.

Heat oil in pan, add cumin seeds, after it crackles, add onion and tomato, saute till onion turns golden brown. Then add ginger garlic paste, mix well and fry for 1-2 min, then add asafoetida, red chili powder, Turmeric powder, Garam masala, lemon juice and salt, fry for about 2-3 min. Now add cooked peas along with water. Stir well. Cook on low flame for about 10 min. Switch off the flame and serve hot with chapati, bread or rice.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dill Leaves / Shepuchi Bhaji

Time 20 min
Dill leaves / Shepu leaves 1 bunch
Moong daal 2tsp
Rice 2 tsp
Chopped green chilies 2
Crushed garlic cloves 3-4
Water 2 cup or less
Salt to taste
Ghee 2tsp

Soak moong daal & rice in water for at least 2 hrs. Clean dill leaves chop well, keep it aside.
Heat oil in pan. Add  garlic and green chilies. After garlic becomes golden brown. Add chopped dill leaves, soaked moong daal & rice. Add 1 cup of water. Cover with lid and cook for 6-7 min. Then add salt, mix well and cook till it is done. Serve with bhakari.

Moong daal and rice help to remove typical smell of dill leaves.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dum Mutton Biryani

Time 90 min
Basmati rice 1 cup
Mutton medium pieces 400 gm
Finely lenghwise chopped onion 2 big size
Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
Mint leaves 2 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Ginger garlic paste 1.5 tsp
Green chilies 2
Coriander leaves 2 tsp
Biryani masala 1 tsp
Red chili powder 1/2 tsp
Bay leaves 2-3
Pepper corns 1/2 tsp
Cloves 5-6
Cinnamon 2-3 small pieces
Big cardamom 2
Yogurt 1 cup
Ghee 2-3 tbsp
2 tbsp milk mixed with saffron strands 1/5 tsp
Water 1.5 cup or less
Salt to taste

Chapati dough for covering the pan 1 cup

Soak the rice in water for 1 hr. Then cook rice in pressure cooker with bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, salt and 1 tbsp ghee till 60 to 70% rice is cooked. Drain the water. Allow it to cool.
Chop lengthwise onion and fry in kadai till golden brown.
With the help of fork make small incisions on mutton so that mutton will get marinated very well.
In a bowl take mutton, gingergarlic paste, finely chopped mint, finely chopped green chilies, coriander leaves, pepper corns, cumin, red chili powder, turmuric, salt, biryani masala, fried onion, yogurt and add oil 1 tsp, mix all very nicely. Keep this in refrigerator for 1 hr.

Heat the thick bottom non stick sauce pan. Add ghee after it becomes hot, add half of marinated mutton at the bottom. Cover this with half of boiled rice, again cove rice with remaining marinated mutton, again add remaining rice. Then sprinkle the saffron milk over the rice. Also sprinkle melted 2 tsp of ghee. Now make a thick roll of chapati dough in such a way that the edge of the pan will get covered. Stick the dough on edges of the pan and then cover with lid (Use tava). Make sure that edge of the pan and tava are sticked to the dough properly, so that steam will not get escaped. Keep the low flame and cook for 20 to 25 min. Better keep pan on tava so to avoid burning of rice. Serve hot.

Khasta Kachori

Time 45 min
For The Dough (crust)
Maida 2 cups
Hot oil 1/4 cup
Salt  1/2 tsp
For The Filling

Yellow moong dal /split yellow gram 1/2 cup soaked for 3 hours
Cumin seeds  1 tsp
Asafoetida  1/4 tsp
Ginger-green chilli paste  1 tsp
Chilli powder  1 tsp
Garam masala  1 tsp  

Fennel Seeds / Sauf powder 1 tsp
Tamarind paste 1 tsp or more as per taste
Besan / bengal gram flour  2 tbsp
Oil  3 tbsp
Salt to taste

For making dough 

Combine all the ingredients and knead into a semi-soft dough using enough water. Knead very well for 8-9 minutes. Keep it aside for 1/2 hour. Then divide the dough into 10 equal parts and keep covered under a wet muslin cloth.
For the filling
Drain the soaked moong dal. Heat the oil in a pan and add the cumin seeds and asafoetida.Then the seeds crackle, add the moong dal and sauté for a few seconds.
Add the ginger-green chilli paste, chilli powder, garam masala, tamarind paste, fennel seeds powder, gram flour and salt and stir for 10 to 12 minutes till the masalas as well as dal are cooked.
Allow it to cool and divide into 10 equal portions. Shape each portion into an even sized round and keep it aside.
Actual method
Roll out each portion of the dough into a 2 inch circle. Place one portion of the filling mixture in the centre of the rolled dough circle. Surround the filling mixture with the dough by slowly stretching it using fingers over the filling mixture. Seal the ends tightly and remove any excess dough. Roll each filled portion into a 2.5 inch circle taking care to ensure that the filling does not spill out. Gently press the centre of the kachori with your thumb. Repeat this process for the remaining dough and filling to make 9 more kachoris. Deep fry the kachoris in hot oil over a slow flame till golden brown on both sides. 
Serve with sweet chatney, green chutney, curd and shev.



It takes time to fry kachoris for good crust.

Ridge Gourd with Groundnuts / Dodkyachi Bhaji

Time 30 min
Ridge gourd 2 medium size (remove outer edges and cut into 2 inch pieces)
Finely chopped onion 2 medium size
Red chili powder 1.5 tsp & ginger garlic paste 1/4 tsp / Kolhapuri masala 2 tsp
Roasted groundnut powder 1 tbsp
Water 2 tbsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Salt to taste

Heat oil in pan, add onion, saute till onion turns golden brown. Then add ridge gourd. Fry and stir well for about 3-4 min. Then add red chili powder & ginger garlic paste / Kolhapuri masala, mix well and fry for 3-4 min. Then add ridge gourd and mix well for 2-3 min. Then add 2 tbsp water cover with lid and cook for about 7-8 min till ridge gourd is cooked 80 %.
Then add groundnut powder and salt. Stir well. Then let it cook for about 5-6 min till its done. Keep checking the water level to avoid burning. Switch off the flame, and serve hot with chapati.

It is dry bhaji / sabji so keep in mind water requirement to avoid overcooking. U need to taste whether it has been cooked or not.

If u add more groundnut powder and water it will become gravy bhaji.