
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Rava Dhokla

Time 30 min
Semolina 1 cup
Finely chopped green chilies 1/2 tsp
Grated ginger 1/4 tsp
Eno 1 packet (1tsp)
Oil 1 tsp
Buttermilk 2.5  cups
Salt to taste

Keep steamer ready allow water to boil and steam to come. 
Grease vessel with oil, keep it aside
Mix all ingredients except eno. Make thick paste, it should not be watery at all.  At last min add eno, mix well using spoon in one direction. Then immediately add in greased pan, keep it in steamer, let it steam for 20 min. Allow it to cool, then make seasoning of mustard, curry leaves. Garnish with coriander.

I use cooker for steaming (cooker type: lid from outside). My cake mould fits properly in cooker in such a way that it gets hang when moulds curved sides rest on cooker sides.

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